Hydromassage stone pool | Conca | Vaselli Hydromassage stone pool | Conca | Vaselli Hydromassage stone pool | Conca | Vaselli Hydromassage stone pool | Conca | Vaselli Hydromassage stone pool | Conca | Vaselli Hydromassage stone pool | Conca | Vaselli


Conca is a revolutionary hydromassage mini pool.

Its characteristic shape arises from the circular development of a chaise lounge for an ideal and comfortable ergonomic solution. The circular-based mini-pool has a 3.4 meter diameter.


Conca rises from the floor circa thirty centimeters in height, being sunken for the rest; this is a choice that gives it extreme lightness and makes it appear as a tray on the floor.

The mini-pool has been designed for an outdoor and indoor spa. The natural-levity sensation it gives at first sight makes its important technological support even more remarkable, especially in the water-jet propeller system and hydromassage.


Conca, thanks to its characteristic modularity, can adapt to several types of architectures and designs.

Form: round
Type: stone hydromassage tub
Characteristics: hollowed stone block - 4.000 kg

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