25 Feb Istogram, the in-depth analysis continues
If you liked our latest news, the Istogram system designed by Daniele Lotti Architect, we realized a video series for you. In these videos, people directly involved in the collection development tell us some design and making specs.
The compositional play
Daniele Lotti Architect explains to us which are the three variables on which Istogram is based. These variables make it a system suitable for any kind of space, indoor and outdoor.
The system potentialities
The potentialities of the Istogram system allow it to be inserted in any kind of project, making the most of the Vaselli manufacturing skills; that propose completely customizable and adaptable to the designer needs solutions all along.
The critical element
The in-depth analysis about Istogram carries on by examining the hardest to manufacture element: the big solid marble sink.
Abonos, the millennial wood
Federico Basso from Arte9Milano tells us some features of Abonos, the wood employed to realize our first Istogram piece of furniture.
We hope we have satisfied some of your curiosities.
If you want to know more about Istogram or other collections, do not hesitate to contact us.
*videos with English subtitles available